
Lakeland x Children in Need

Homeware store Lakeland are long term collaborators with the BBC's annual Children in Need, supplying creative Pudsey themed kitchen products to raise money for the charity and to help others do the same at thousands of bake sales across the UK.

For the 2013 campaign, Lakeland wanted to jump on the back of the incredibly popular 'cake pop' trend and turned to Kitchen Craft to help out with a Pudsey themed cake pop product that would inspire people to get creative in the kitchen and sell treats to raise even more money for the charity. 

Following strict BBC style guides, as to how Pudsey and the Children in Need brand could be implemented, I designed a silicone cake pop hold in the shape of the recently revamped Pudsey graphic device. 

Lakeland stocked the product through Autumn / Winter 2013, pushing it as part of their own £69,470 Children in Need fundraising drive. £2 of every sale of the cake hold was donated to the charity, and was hopefully the vehicle and inspiration for thousands more donated £'s at bake sales right across the UK! 
